1. I feel like + 동사ing

  • I feel like eating something spicy.
  • I feel like running away.

2. 문장(주어 + 동사) + to + 동사

  • I go to Seoul to go to Byulmadang library.
  • I work out every day for at least 2 hours to lose weight.
  • I read books to broaden my knowledge.

3. and, or, so, but, because

  • Take care and I'll call you later.
  • I couldn't sleep last night but I'm ok.
  • I should go home and rest because I'm so tired.



What's your bucket list?

- Winning against professional basketball player by 1 on 1 is my bucket list. It's just a dream. :)


How do you release your stress?

- When I'm stressed, I feel like playing basketball.


What are the latest products you bought? Why did you buy them?

- I recently bought book to study machine learning. 


What makes you study AI?

- This is just my opinion, I think if I don't study AI now, it seems like I will be hard to keep up with the speed of the future.


Why do we need to work?

- Work sometimes makes us tired. But, we can't live without work. Because everything around us is made by work of us. 


Late at night, if you suddenly have something you want to do, what would it be?

- I feel like playing computer game late at night or drinking beer. 


Why do people drink?

- This is not my opinion, it's my friend's opinion. He said if people were tired by physically exhausting, they find alcohol. However, if peoply were tired by mentally exhausting, they find beer. I think that's right.


Do you have any plans for self-improvement?

- I plan to get a prize of competition. 


For what? 

- Making career. 

'일상 > 영어' 카테고리의 다른 글

24.08.22  (0) 2024.08.28
24.01.30  (0) 2024.01.30
24.01.27  (0) 2024.01.27

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