1. She/He said + 문장(주어 + 동사) 

  • She said I have to clean up my room every day, but I'm busy.

2. I have to / should + 동사 

  • I have to find the answer by myself.

3. Sure, I can + 동사 

  • Sure, I can go home by myself.
  • Sure, I can show you my bank balance.



What did your parents nag you about?

- My father said you have to save money for your future. 


How can you save the money?

- By investing in stocks, Installment savings.


May I ask how much you have?

- I can't tell you my assets, but I don't think I have much money.


What is the most important thing someone you like has ever said to you? Why do you like it?

- My father said "The higher you go, the lonelier you become. As you progress up the career ladder, things change dramatically. You will have far fewer colleagues; it gets increasingly lonely and there is much greater responsibility. The level of fear, uncertainity, and doubt will jump and so will stress levels. Hence, all the more reason why you should be a self-starter." I think he wanted me to be a person who could do anything on my own. What my father said was so impressive. It made me better person than before. 


Whose words motivated you the most? What did they say? 

- The mathematical analysis professor said "We need to do more and not be complacent now. "


'일상 > 영어' 카테고리의 다른 글

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